Structural Detailing & Calculation

very informative post from lawyer. I really appreciate that lawyer mention that he is not too certain abt the professional charges that you can haggle it out. the type of bldg used for the case study is not mentioned, if the bldg is bungalow then structural drwg is not needed except in a swampy area that may involve raft fdn and some other structural element. Also it should be noted that from a storey building and above approval requires complete five set of structural detailing and calculation sheets duly signed by a COREN registered engineer. and the truth is that for a storey building duplex and others 35k is no where a good compensation for all the effort involve in the structural wrk, printing of six set of 10 pages of A3 detailing cost close to abt 15k will 20 k suffice for engr that will design and detailed or commissioned CAD technician to detail not to talk of the engineer that will stamp and put his practicing license on line, Aba, 35k is just not worth it. It is also worth noting that all this charges are not professional charges, there is a government regulated standard scale of fees for all sort of professional in building industry, so all this charges are based on individual prerogative and bargaining power.

Well i also noted that somebody said it is only architect that designs well sorry sir it seems you dont know the definition of design. the word designing is not specific to architect only Mech, elect, civil structural, water, environmental engrs all of them designs in their various field. Moreover structural engr is responsible for the safety of the structure and hw does he do that, he goes thru a rigours calculation to determined the type, size, spacing and arrangement of reinforcement, he gives specification on concrete strength, reinforcement strength, column positioning, fdn depth and so many others all these are the "design" he goes an extra Lenght to put all his result into drawings which is very tasking even more than archi drawing, despite all these architect get a little bit higher paid than structural engineer just because he is the initiator who puts the clients idea into a reality.